How to find the available yaml keys for your device?

Hi there,

I am trying to manually set the color of my Osram Ledvance Smart+ Lighting (Zigbee version) in an automation.

I am tinkering around with the the yaml file but have no idea where can I find the available yaml keys to configure the device.

I have seen several possibilities to set the rgb color during my search but have no idea which could work for my device.

So it all comes down to the knowledge of the keys for my specific device.

Setting the color manually via the GUI is no problem, so home assistant can do it without hassle.

Second question:
Is it possible to set brightness_pct etc. not only in type: turn_on but also in a type: toggle?

but in the yaml I have no idea.

alias: Beach Lights
description: Beach Lights on/off toggle
  - platform: state
      - scene.the_beach
condition: []
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: device
            type: is_off
            device_id: 514e07a2395c603be6743ea5ebbdbb0a
            entity_id: light.decke_ledvance_light_2
            domain: light
          - condition: device
            type: is_on
            device_id: e70fe7c81899696f8a37bcd75896f61c
            entity_id: light.holz_ledvance_light_2
            domain: light
          - type: turn_on
            device_id: 514e07a2395c603be6743ea5ebbdbb0a
            entity_id: light.decke_ledvance_light_2
            domain: light
      - conditions:
          - condition: device
            type: is_on
            device_id: 514e07a2395c603be6743ea5ebbdbb0a
            entity_id: light.decke_ledvance_light_2
            domain: light
          - condition: device
            type: is_off
            device_id: e70fe7c81899696f8a37bcd75896f61c
            entity_id: light.holz_ledvance_light_2
            domain: light
          - type: turn_on
            device_id: e70fe7c81899696f8a37bcd75896f61c
            entity_id: light.holz_ledvance_light_2
            domain: light
            brightness_pct: 25 # I could select this from the GUI
            rgb_color: [245,34,23] # this is not working
      - type: toggle
        device_id: e70fe7c81899696f8a37bcd75896f61c
        entity_id: light.holz_ledvance_light_2
        domain: light
      - type: toggle
        device_id: 514e07a2395c603be6743ea5ebbdbb0a
        entity_id: light.decke_ledvance_light_2
        domain: light
mode: single

Thanks so much for your help.

You want to use Call a service instead so you have the light.turn_on service call, which is documented here.

Thanks that was the exact right hint.