How to forward BLE messages to Home Assistant via API

I am in a tweaking mode to forward BTHome messages to Home Assistant .
(project Beethowen - BTHome over ESPHome)

With 3023.6.4 and the rework of @jesserockz the previously working workaround is not functioning anymore as APIConnection is hidden in a protected field.
Any ideas?

I could come up with two possible solution ideas

  1. generate the HA event in ESPHome and us the forwarding channel of bluetooth_proxy → blocked

  2. use a HA sevice call and inject BTHome message from Home Assistant itself → no service exposed for BTHome integration

        esphome::api::BluetoothLEAdvertisementResponse msg;
        msg.address = client_mac_a64;
        // msg.rssi = -99;

        // BTHOME V1
          esphome::api::BluetoothServiceData btsd;
          sd.uuid = "0x01"; // V1 must have header
          esphome::api::BluetoothServiceData btsd;
          sd.uuid = "0x181C";
              0x02, 0x00, 0xB3,      // pkt id
              0x23, 0x02, 0xD2, 0x09 // temp