How to get/update current youtube livestream ID

I currently have a command line switch set up that turns on a roku tv and then an automation turns off the switch which launches youtube to the disney channel livestream. The problem is that the livestream sometimes stops and starts again. When that happens, I have to find the new livestream ID and update the switch and restart Home Assistant.

platform: command_line
    command_on: "curl -X POST"
    command_off: "curl -X POST"
    friendly_name: Bedroom Disney

The contentId=pqki-ArmVNw is the piece that needs to be updated.

Is there a way to update that contentID automatically? If not, is there a way where I can set this up so I do not have to restart HA each time the channel changes? Either be able to update the contentID from a text input in the frontend or move this into a script so I can click “reload scripts” in the configuration panel? I have not been able to find any examples of a script using curl commands.