I have setup a scrape sensor to get the gas spot prices. The prices are updates every day around 19:00. Before it will show - as value, so most of the time the value of the sensor is empty:
<template TemplateState(<state sensor.gas_spot=; unit_of_measurement=EUR, friendly_name=Gas Spot @ 2023-01-16T03:50:40.163903+01:00>)>
I thought I had this handled in my template, by only setting it when there is an actual number as value. However, that does not seem to work.
How can I can keep the last correct value (number) till the scrape returns a new valid value number)?
- resource: http://...
scan_interval: 3600
- name: Gas spot
select: "td[style='text-align: left;']:-soup-contains-own('price')"
index: 2
value_template: >
{% if is_number(value) %}
{{ value | float }}
{% endif %}
unit_of_measurement: "EUR"