How to Install Conbee 2 to Qnap? Help with config

Newbie here. I installed HA first time to VM on Qnap. I got it to work with my Insteon. After reading these forums best USB Zigbee stick was Conbee 2. I ordered it.
I plugged it in to USB on Qnap. I can see that it is plugged in : BUS002, Device 008 ( SSH: lsusb)
I then installed DeConz… but here I fail. How to configure this?
I have tried every one of these (one at time) and config always tell me that it does not exist when I press save. I have tried with “” and without!

device: /dev/ttyUSB0
device: /dev/ttyAMA0
device: /dev/ttyACM0
device: /dev/tty/USB2

EDIT: I had to add that USB device to my VM fist and restart VM… then it showed up in configuration… =)

Whats next? I have to plug in first ZIgbee to try to find it ? Or something more on config first that I missed?