How to install HA on SD card using MAC OS?

I am having a really basic problem. The installation document says that you must download Balena Etcher. I did that on my mac and went thru all of the steps. As soon as I got the Flash Complete message, I also got a message saying that the SD drive was unreadable on my Mac. I reformatted the SD card and tried again. Same result. I booted parallels and windows 8–but that doesn’t work because Balena Etcher can’t see the SD drive. (Windows Explorer shows it as drive V, but Etcher can’t see it at all) Is there any way to get Etcher to work in the Mac environment? Is there another product that will load HA on the SD card.

Neither Mac OS or Widows natively support file system used by HA, so thats why you are receing this error. It is perfectly normal. Just after flashing remove your SD card, move it to RPi and it should work properly.