I made some progress integrating a Shelly TRV as a MQTT HVAC device with this settings:
name: MQTT-TRV Wohnen-01
unique_id: "mqtt_trv_wohnen_01"
min_temp: 4
max_temp: 31
temp_step: 0.5
precision: 0.1
qos: 1
- "off"
- "heat"
temperature_command_topic: "shellies/shellytrv-60A423D925E8/thermostat/0/command/target_t"
current_temperature_topic: "shellies/shellytrv-60A423D925E8/info"
current_temperature_template: "{{ value_json.thermostats[0].tmp.value }}"
This is the result:
On the left side is the integration via COIOT on the right side my MQTT device. What is marked with the yellow boxes is
- The working mode off the TRV just shows the state of the two mode buttons below
- Mode buttons for heat and off but they don’t have any functionality.
How could I activate the buttons and show the working state like in the COIOT integration? What I know is, setting shellies/shellytrv-60A423D925E8/thermostat/0/command/target_t
to 4 turns off the device. And pushing the heat button should restore the old value for target_t.