How to integrate websocket based platform (qlc+)

Hi there,

first post here, sorry if it’s not in good category.
I’m using QLC+ project to manage my DMX devices. I have one virtual console with many buttons to setup / trigger my scenes. However, I would like to integrate it with HA.
As QLC+ provides some web interface, I first added it as iframe in a lovelace tab, but it does not look nice at all.

So, as the qlc+ web interface uses websocket to send / receive info to/from the core app, I thought I could have some component which makes the bridge between QLC+ an HA (either directly or through mqtt ? ).

Does anyone already did such thing ? Does it looks like a good idea or not at all ? :slight_smile:
AFAIK, the DMX integration in HA does not fit my needs, as I have many actions directly in QLC+ (light change, moves etc …) that DMX integration does not handle.

Small up, so nobody is doing these kind of things yet ? :frowning:

Not with HA, but i made a nodejs webserver for bypass ssl problems and serve my “pages” where i can put all the stuff that i want from qlc using websockets

just came across QLCPLUS (QLC+) :

I thought that might be a good option for an “add-on-container”.

I thought I’d refresh this topic. Anyone make progress on this?

I’m looking into connecting to QLC+ through Node Red, but I’m a complete newbie with NR. So far, I can connect to the QLC+ websocket and retrieve a list of functions.