How to make a Homkit flashed Shelly visible again in Home Assistant

Hi i flashed a Shelly 1 for a Test with the Homekit OTA Firmware, that works great, but since that, i cant get the Shelly to be shown also in Home Assistant.
How could i solve this, i try to install Homekit Controller in Combination with formerly installed and working Homekit Brigde, but it told me, while the Installation, that no new Devices where available and the installation didnt finish, but one the devices should be the Shelly with Homekit Firmware.
I hope there is a way to solve it

No one an Idea?

What about flashing Shellies back with original fw?

Thats a really good idea, for sure i know that this works, because i used it before, but not what i want, because i have often the problem after a restart of HA that the shellys work in homeassistant but not in Homekit so the only way is a second reboot, isnt it possible like HA shows the Shellys in Homekit, also to go the Way back with the devices from Homekit to HA (without flashing the original back), i thought that for this case the Homekit Controller could be used isnt it but therefore they should work together, the problem is my parents use Homekit and its impossible in their age of 80 years to switch them now to HA so i need both because i love Home Assistant

I’m afraid I cannot help more.
As you already mentioned, there is a way to
integrate homekit devices with HA. If doesn’t work consider creating an ussue in Github.

This losing devices propagated from HA to Homekit also deserves to be fixed.

Thanks a lot