How to make a LoraWAN TTN GPS sensor a tracking device?


Sorry if that question might be obvious for others, but I’m still quite a HA n00b :slight_smile:

I have a handfull of Heltec ESP32 LoraWan tracker I use in TTNv3 for the Mapper project.

With the TTNv3 Integration, those devices show up, and their GPS location is propperly reported as sensor values. But HA does not recognize them as tracker devices, so not showing them on the map.

I’m am also using the APRS integration, and the ‘devices’ reported from the APRS integration, which also basically report their GPS location were recognized as tracking devices from the start.

How can I specify that my TTN tracker are tracking devices providing a location? I attempted to link them to a ‘person’ but they don’t show up as devices that can be linked to a person.


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I guess I made some progress, but I’m still not there.
I realized I probably need to add an automation and use device_tracker.see to make the location of the device trackable. Took some information from similar posts found via Google:

So via Web-Gui I attempted to created:

Trigger: (After selecting my autocreated TTNv3 device on the Gui and setting an ID)

device_id: ac1288d58a1a154ed164c9caf8b01e22
platform: device
domain: ""
entity_id: ""
id: ttn-mapper-f7-b9


condition: trigger
id: ttn-mapper-f7-b9

Action: (Values taken from the sensors reported on this entity, as they are autocompleted I am quite confident, they are correct)

service: device_tracker.see
  gps: "[sensor.ttn_mapper_f7_b9_latitude, sensor.ttn_mapper_f7_b9_longitude]"
  gps-accuracy: "sensor.ttn_mapper_f7_b9_hdop"

But when i try to save I get:

Message malformed: Integration ‘’ not found

This is where I am now stuck… I don’t understand what ‘Integration’ is not being found.

Any help appreciated.