How to make bulbs connect via routers?

Hi all,

I have a set of Zigbee bulbs with low connectivity to the main USB controller (95, red line in visualization). I have a smart plug that I added after-the-fact that is a router in between the USB controller and the bulb that has excellent signal. How can I tell the bulb to connect via the router?


Just wait. The Zigbee mesh will re-organize/optimize over the next hours/days.

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Depending on the firmware in the bulb, you may be able to add the bulb ‘via’ this routing zigbee device. I believe this can cause a device to prefer to connect to the zigbee network via this other device. Some zigbee devices support this and some don’t, a bit of a dice roll unfortunately. Picture below is where this function is located on a device in ZHA. Make sure to first remove the bulb from the zigbee network and then do a full reset of the bulb before trying to add it back in.

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Both of these were excellent suggestions, thank you. I just checked back in and @m0wlheld was right, they have since moved over to the routers. Thanks!

The interesting thing is that the signal strength between the router and bulb shows 5. Really, really low. But it all seems to work nicely.