How to make cards smaller

Hi Home Assisters

I’ve been trying my hand at automations and so far I’m well pleased with what I’ve done however I want to reduce the size of the card as it’s way to big for my liking.

I’m currently using a bog standard button card with the following config but as I said the card is too big is there anything I can add to make it smaller:

type: custom:button-card

  • value: ‘on’
    color: red
    spin: true
    action: toggle
    entity: switch.studio_cool_air
    icon: mdi:fan

Many thanks

Move further away from the monitor :slight_smile:

But seriously, you can stack cards horizontally or in a grid card, that will make them smaller.

Alternatively you can try the new tiles card, they are quite small.


Or on a similar note use the zoom control on your browser. :rofl: I do this to make my dashboard fit nicely on my tablet.

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