How to notify me when it is raining and the windows are opened?

i am ok with setting up simple automations. but having a hard time wrapping my head around much more complex involving multiple entities.

right now, i have the envisalink connected to my home alarm sys so i can see which windows are opened or closed. example of 2 front windows where 1 is opened and _2 is closed
entity state
binary_sensor.front_window on
binary_sensor.front_window_2 off

when YR symbol is 10 (heavy rain) AND windows’ states are ON, then send me a PushBullet notification with message of “it is raining and the windows are opened!”

how do i set this up using the automation GUI in HA?
thank you!

First of all Automation GUI and “complex” automation don’t work that well imho. If you are willing to do it the old fashioned way I’d be glad to help out where you need help. Also depending on HOW complex you want it to be, it might be reasonable to think about calling a python script with the new component.


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yes, im willing to learn! please help.
here’s a simple example in my automations.yaml file
- action:
- data:
message: The temp is above 85F!
service: notify.fib_3flr_push
alias: 3rd flr too hot
id: ‘1498660043762’
- above: ‘85’
entity_id: sensor.fibaro_3flr_temperature
platform: numeric_state

i notice the ID is very long…can i make something shorter myself or is this something HA auto generate?
when YR is 10, is that a numeric state because i dont see an “equal” option…

i would imagine something like this
- action:
- data:
message: It is raining and the windows are opened!
service: notify.fib_3flr_push
alias: raining and windows opened
id: ‘1’
- equal: ‘10’
entity_id: sensor.yr_symbol
platform: numeric_state
- equal: ‘on’
entity_id: binary_sensor.front_window
entity_id: binary_sensor.front_window_2
entity_id: binary_sensor.front_window_3
platform: binary

but that’s very wrong because i have no idea which “states” and “platform” i need to be using.

Hey please use the preformatted text option for pasting your config. That way the spaces wont get removes. You can do that by simply wrapping your code in 3 like this```


currently working for a simple automation
‘’’- action:
- data:
message: The temp is above 85F!
service: notify.fib_3flr_push
alias: 3rd flr too hot
id: ‘1498660043762’
- above: ‘85’
entity_id: sensor.fibaro_3flr_temperature
platform: numeric_state

i would imagine something like this for the complex
- action:
- data:
message: It is raining and the windows are opened!
service: notify.fib_3flr_push
alias: raining and windows opened
id: ‘1’
- equal: ‘10’
entity_id: sensor.yr_symbol
platform: numeric_state
- equal: ‘on’
entity_id: binary_sensor.front_window
entity_id: binary_sensor.front_window_2
entity_id: binary_sensor.front_window_3
platform: binary

i tried preformat and it didnt work. very strange.
here’s an image of it

You are using the wrong hyphens just copy-paste mine. Those are called “backticks”

entity_id is auto generated and as far as I know not changable.

You have many errors in your syntax. Please try to look at some of the examples here

If you don’t know which platform to use etc just try to use pseudo code(eg explain what you are trying to do with words) we can work from there :slight_smile:

If you still have questions feel free to ask.


 - alias: "3rd Floor too hot"
   id: '1498660043762'
      platform: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.fibaro_3flr_temperature
      above: 85
      service: notify.fib_3flr_push
        message: "The temp is above 85F!"

here is one of your automations properly formatted and setup. Use this and the docs posted below to develop your next one on your own. If you get stuck post up what you have and we can help.

Select a trigger for what you want to intiate your automation

Use conditions (for example check if windows are open after the trigger has initiated the automation)

Then use action to notify you or perform some other action.

Reviewing other peoples automations is also very helpful to have a starting point with the proper framework and formatting.

All of mine are posted here:

And the examples page has a ton of options:

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thank you for the reformatting. this looks more logical and easier to read! all my automations.yaml so far are from the Automation GUI in HA.
looking at the links you shared now.

after reading through, this is the best i have come up with

  - alias: 'Raining and windows are opened'
      - platform: yr
        entity_id: sensor.yr_symbol
        to: 10
      - platform: state
        state: 'on'

      service: notify.fib_3flr_push
        message: "raining and the windows are opened"

so i have combined all my windows into 1 group:
if any of the windows are “on,” meaning if any one of them is opened, i will get an alert via push bullet when it is raining.
i dont think my syntax is correct. but that’s the best i can come up with. also, i notice YR has many values for rain, such as 9,30, 40 and 46 as well. so can i do this:

  - alias: 'Raining and windows are opened'
      - platform: yr
        entity_id: sensor.yr_symbol
        to: 9,10,30,40,46

thanks everyone!

The platform for your trigger should be ‘state’ not yr. For those multiple values you can add multiple triggers by simply coping the whole part after ‘trigger:’ to add another element to the trigger list. Including the ‘-’ prefix.


i have modified accordingly

  - alias: 'Raining and windows are opened'
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.yr_symbol
        to: 10
	  - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.yr_symbol
        to: 46
      - platform: state
        state: 'on'

      service: notify.fib_3flr_push
        message: "raining and the windows are opened"

im not sure how work. does all of the windows have to be opened for the state to be ON?
because i dont always have all the windows open. if 1 window is open, thats good enough to be ON and then send me the alert…

It should be that if any window is open the group will reflect that state.

I have a very similar requirement, but I used binary sensor template for each window. Since I wanted to capture most kind of precipitation, I looked for the string description provided by WU. Here is an example of my binary sensor:

        value_template: >-
          {%- if 'Drizzle' in states.sensor.pws_weather.state
              or 'Rain' in states.sensor.pws_weather.state
              or 'Snow' in states.sensor.pws_weather.state
              or 'Ice' in states.sensor.pws_weather.state
              or 'Hail' in states.sensor.pws_weather.state
              or 'Mist' in states.sensor.pws_weather.state
              or 'Fog' in states.sensor.pws_weather.state
              or 'Spray' in states.sensor.pws_weather.state
              or 'Thunderstorm' in states.sensor.pws_weather.state -%}
          {%- else -%}
          {%- endif -%}
        friendly_name: 'Precipitation'
        device_class: moisture
          - sensor.pws_weather

        value_template: >-
          {%- if states.binary_sensor.precipitating.state == 'on'
              and states.binary_sensor.family_room_window.state == 'on' -%}
          {%- else -%}
          {%- endif %}
        friendly_name: 'Family Room Window Is Open During Precipitation'
        device_class: opening
          - binary_sensor.precipitating
          - binary_sensor.family_room_window

you are right! finally got home and verified that. now i wait for rain to come to confirm the whole code works. :slight_smile:

example of code from using the automation GUI:

 - alias: "3rd Floor too hot"
   id: '1498660043762'

i see it assigned the id with a very long number: 1498660043762. so if i manually insert codes into my automations.yaml file, do i assign it any number i want? or how to know which numbers to use?

I honestly don’t know what that number is used for I don’t have an id in any of my automations.


That might be something specifically for the GUI to keep track of everything. You don’t have to worry about it for non-GUI automations.

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A unique ID is required to use the editor, doesn’t matter what it is or how long it is. From what I gather if you want to use the editor once you have to convert your ‘old’ automations.

read further in the docs here:

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does that work on your HomeAssistant. Copied and pasted and is failing

What exactly is failing, any messages in the log?