I’m trying to populate only the first state in an attribute that contains a list.
State Attributes for media_player.living_room
volume_level: 0.07
is_volume_muted: false
media_content_id: >-
media_content_type: music
media_duration: 197
media_position: 9
media_position_updated_at: '2021-05-12T13:49:08.524206+00:00'
media_title: Up Down (feat. Florida Georgia Line)
media_artist: Morgan Wallen
media_album_name: If I Know Me
shuffle: true
repeat: 'off'
- media_player.drew_s_desk
- media_player.living_room
- media_player.kitchen_2
queue_position: 1
friendly_name: Living Room
entity_picture: >-
supported_features: 457279
My Sensor configuration
- platform: template
entity_id: media_player.living_room
value_template: "{{ state_attr('media_player.living_room', 'sonos_group') }}"
This is what the sensor shows as its state
['media_player.drew_s_desk', 'media_player.living_room', 'media_player.kitchen_2']
What I’d like it to show is only the first state attribute in the list, in this example: media_player.drew_s_desk
Thank you in advance for any help
May 12, 2021, 2:26pm
Adding .0
will retrun the first item in a list
- platform: template
entity_id: media_player.living_room
value_template: "{{ state_attr('media_player.living_room', 'sonos_group').0 }}"
Perfect! Thank you very much for the quick response and super simple resolution. Much appreciated.
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May 12, 2021, 2:31pm
No problem. For future reference, items in a list are indexed [0, 1, 2, 3... n]
1 Like
Hi, what if the state, is in a “level” further down, i.e. ( there are 4 lists in the attributes )
cap: '2'
max_rate: 1000
link_rate: 1000
brown: '0'
brown_len: '0'
blue: '0'
blue_len: '0'
green: '0'
green_len: '0'
orange: '0'
orange_len: '0'
linkrecover: '1'
timeout: '1'
state: true
cap: '2'
max_rate: 1000
link_rate: 1000
brown: '0'
brown_len: '0'
blue: '0'
blue_len: '0'
green: '0'
green_len: '0'
orange: '0'
orange_len: '0'
linkrecover: '1'
timeout: '1'
state: true
cap: '2'
max_rate: 1000
link_rate: 0
brown: '0'
brown_len: '0'
blue: '0'
blue_len: '0'
green: '0'
green_len: '0'
orange: '0'
orange_len: '0'
linkrecover: '1'
timeout: '1'
state: false
cap: '2'
max_rate: 1000
link_rate: 0
brown: '0'
brown_len: '0'
blue: '0'
blue_len: '0'
green: '0'
green_len: '0'
orange: '0'
orange_len: '0'
linkrecover: '1'
timeout: '1'
state: false
device_class: connectivity
icon: mdi:ethernet-cable
I have no idea how to create a ( 4) template-sensor based upon the state in each (sub-lists)
It’s the 4 Lan-Ports of my Router
Edit: this gives my the whole dict: ( 1 )
{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.asusr_port_status_lan', 'list' ).1 }}
Never mind , got it ( sometimes it helps writing down your thoughts )
{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.asusr_port_status_lan', 'list' ).1.state }}
, apparently above only works in Dev-Tools , not in template-card
— Somehow i manage to end up where i wanted, Icon turns green, when cable( with device in other end ) is plugged in the Router-port (state: true)… if cable “falls out/fails” or device/devices(all) in other end goes offline,( state: false) then color “falls back” to default-grey
Edit: must be do to the device_class
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