I got a Xiaomi Thermometer 3 (MJWSD05MMC, the big version with time, date and day of the week). Super nice hardware (I would easily use it over the Zigbee things out there, even if I far prefer Zigbee over BT) and easy to flash with pvvx firmware but beats me how to integrate it into HA properly.
After a lot of monkeying around, BTHome (using an USB connected BT stick, so no proxies anywhwere) finally found it (after I enforced a new MAC on it, go figure), correctly guessed it to expose temp and humidity but does not deliver any data from it (or do any obvious attempts to set the time on the device). BTHome also never asks for any keys or anything?
Does anyone know what the proper approach for this one is? It using a close cousing of the LYWSD03MMC firmware (only sadly without the Zigbee option…), I assume the process is similar but it looks like most use those with proxies (or zigbee altogether)?
Thanks a lot for all pointers!