How to protect against github takedown

In my HA configuration I use several custom components.

  • HACS integrations
  • ESPHome components
  • Add ons,
    But what if the maintainer of one of those components decides to take down the repository? At that point my software will keep working until I need to reinstall of fix something.

How would I protect myself against this? Fork everything and re-base after every update?
Or is there a better way to do this?

You have the code installed, so it will not disappear, if the repositoriy is taken down.
It will lso be included in a full backup, but I am unsure how you can retreive single files from the new backup.

It is rare that a repository is taken down though.
Often it is just not updated anymore and if it is a widely used one, theb someone will either fork it or talk to the repository owner to keep maintaining it on the old URL.

Sometimes repositories are unmaintained fora long time and then HA might introduce breaking changes that is not handled.
If you read your log files now and then, then HA have a 6 month grace period, where you will get warnings, so you have time to catch it.

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As Wally wrote, it’s highly unlikely to happen.
But you can always fork repositories, maintaining own copy in your github

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I see indeed my addons and custom components in my backup(without encryption)
I know it’s unlikely to happen, but a system crash is also unlikely and I’m prepared for that.
After this one is released

I think I could also use my encrypted backups.

unmaintained isn’t the big issue as the code is still accessible, and if it’s important enough I can start learning python.

the only thing still missing are my esphome components.
So I guess I need to fork those

You could also fork them outside GitHub, if you want to be extra safe.

Vaguely-relevant anecdote: npm left-pad incident - Wikipedia

Decrypt Home Assistant backups
decrypt HA encoding,

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