After my SD card crashed I decided to restore to HA OS to have a supported system. My aqara sensors were unavailable upon restore but I remembered that in the original install on raspbian I had to open raspi-config to enable the serial port for the raspbee2 before I could finish the Zigbee Home Automation config. But with HA OS there is no raspi-config!!! So, is there some way to enable the serial port in HA OS or do I have to go fight with deConz?
Here’s what I have tried: installed Terminal and browsed files for any serial port config files without success. Tried editing the boot/config.txt file on the SD card to disable bluetooth which by default uses the primary serial port /dev/tty/AMA0 and enable tty/S0 but no luck.
So, basically my question is: is there a way to enable the primary serial port, uart0, in some way without raspi-config?
Hi @warpi : I was wondering if you found an answer to your question. I am in the same boat and now trying to enable enable my serial port hat to work with a UPB PIM.
I did solve it but, for the life of me, I can’t remember how I did it. And now I am not home so can’t access my pi. When I get back I will try to get you an answer. Sorry, not much help.
Thanks! Being on RPi3, that section really of the first link really helped. I was still using /dev/ttyS0 when I should have been using /dev/ttyAMA0. I am still having some reliability problems, but I haven’t looked to deep into that yet.