How to read JSON with a key of $

The Met Office helpfully returns JSON with keys using the character $.

Is there a way to get a template to read them? If there is I can’t find it!

	"RegionalFcst": {
		"createdOn": "2021-06-09T07:47:26",
		"issuedAt": "2021-06-09T04:00:00",
		"regionId": "xy",
		"FcstPeriods": {
			"Period": [
					"id": "day1to2",
					"Paragraph": [
							"title": "Headline:",
							"$": "Sunny and very warm by day with mild nights."

This would work but for the $

As shown here…

Use ['$'] rather than .$.

Thanks but sorry, it doesn’t work:

Remove the dot. [0]['$']

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Thank you (and for such a quick response).

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Always safer to use bracket notation than dot notation. Numeric keys also show this problem.