How to remove a node

Any idea how to remove a node in the Z-Wave integration? There doesn’t seem to have that option.zwave

I need to remove all my devices and start over as I can’t find a way to get what security key was generated automatically by the integration.

It’s at the top. You don’t specify a node when you remove one. The removal is for the entire network and will apply to whichever device you physically activate.

The network key is in .storage/core.config_entries.

Thanks, I’m running Hassio how do I get to it?

Either via SSH or Samba I guess?

As far as I know, the current version does not support remote access. That’s my problem. SSH fails.

dis you install the ssh or samba add-on?

OK I figured out I had to install the addon Termainal and SSH from the addon store before I could ssh in and check the referenced file above. Once I did, I was on familiar territory. Got the Key.