Hello everyone, I need a little help because I just can’t get anywhere.
I use the Grow503 fingerprint sensor in Esphome. This works perfectly and when a finger is detected, esphome sets the value Authorized Finger in the text_sensor fingerprint state.
password: xxxxx # Existing password, can be omitted if it's the default of 0x00
#new_password: xxxxx # New password
sensing_pin: GPIO05 # Or GPIO05 for ESP32
#- switch.turn_on: trigger_relay
- fingerprint_grow.aura_led_control:
speed: 200
color: BLUE
count: 1
- text_sensor.template.publish:
id: fingerprint_state
state: "Authorized finger"
- platform: template
id: fingerprint_state
name: "Seitentür Fingerprint State"
How do I get the text_sensor to report, for example, – reset-- after it has reported Authorized Finger to Home Assistant for 5 seconds?