How to restore removed entity? Unable to re-add entity

Not sure if this really should be a bug report.

I accidentally removed the on/off state entity for a device. I wan’t it back of course. I’ve tried:
Removing the device from zigbee2mqtt and re-adding.
Removing the device from zigbee2mqtt, restarting HAOS, and re-adding.
The device is added without the on/off entity.
I found some posts regarding the files within /config/.storage/ but I’m not so confident about editing these files, and I feel like I shouldn’t have to, for what should be a simple resolution.

Thanks in advance for any resolution, aside from purchasing a new light (so it has unique id) or completely re-installing HAOS and reconfiguring everything.

Below screenshot you can see the absence of the on/off entity.

Oh, and the ‘entity not shown’ is simply the ‘effect’ entity, not the on/off controls.

I’ve checked the zigbee2mqtt logs, and the “state” is published:
z2m:mqtt: MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/0x90ab96fffe2853ba’, payload ‘{“color_mode”:“xy”,“color_options”:null,“linkquality”:144,“power_on_behavior”:null,“state”:“ON”,“update”:{“installed_version”:16842768,“latest_version”:16842768,“state”:“idle”},“update_available”:false}’

Thanks for the suggestion, but within there is only the effects. It’s the “State” entity that is missing. (See screenshot attached)
I can only assume this is a bug, home assistant should add the entity when the device is deleted and added again.

I resolved the bug with a fresh install of home assistant (upgrading to most recent version in the process) and restoring config backup.
Shame that there was no other solution.