I am trying to send a dynamic list of times to an esphome service eg an schedule. First I tried a value template (jinja) but hit the problem with the string being over 255 chars. So now I am using a python script. In the script I create a list which I want to send to the service call. But a list is not an array so Im abit stuck, as the usual way in python to create array is to use an import ’ numpy
’ but because in HA python scripts run in a sandbox I cant use the import.
Any help either how to solve the python array issue or a different way of achieving the desired outcome would be much appreciated.
# schedule_service.py
daySchedule = []
day_entity_id = data.get('day_entity_id')
wk_entity_id = data.get('wk_entity_id')
logger.info('send schedule called')
if day_entity_id is not None:
state = hass.states.get(day_entity_id)
days = state.attributes.get('weekdays') or 'none'
times = state.attributes.get('timeslots') or 'none'
actions = state.attributes.get('actions') or 'none'
for day in days:
action_cnt = 0
for time in times:
action = list(actions[action_cnt].values())[0:1][0]
action = action.split('_')[1]
time = time.split(' - ')[0]
day = day.replace('sun', '1').replace( 'mon', '2').replace( 'tue', '3').replace( 'wed', '4',).replace('thu', '5').replace( 'fri', '6').replace( 'sat', '7')
sched_item = day + ':' + time + ',' + action
action_cnt = action_cnt+ 1
if wk_entity_id is not None:
state = hass.states.get(wk_entity_id)
days = state.attributes.get('weekdays') or 'none'
times = state.attributes.get('timeslots') or 'none'
actions = state.attributes.get('actions') or 'none'
for day in days:
action_cnt = 0
for time in times:
action = list(actions[action_cnt].values())[0:1][0]
action = action.split('_')[1]
time = time.split(' - ')[0]
day = day.replace('sun', '1').replace( 'mon', '2').replace( 'tue', '3').replace( 'wed', '4',).replace('thu', '5').replace( 'fri', '6').replace( 'sat', '7')
sched_item = day + ':' + time + ',' + action
action_cnt = action_cnt+ 1
logger.info('Sending %s', daySchedule)
if daySchedule is not None:
hass.services.call('esphome.boiler_controller_update_schedule',{daySchedule}, False)