How to send text to Google Home?

Hey everyone. I have google home linked to HA and I can type text in the gui and it’ll speak out the google home. Hurray!

Now I’d like to have GH speak when certain things happen. For example when I ask it to turn off a light, I’d like it to tell me it did that. Any suggestions how to put this into code?

Or perhaps simpler, as part of an action in automation.


Google Home already responds when you ask it to turn on/off an entity. Mine usually responds with “Ok, turning on/off emulated_hue_name”. Or are you asking something different?

Sorry, you’re right about the response to verbal requests. I’d like to utilize it as feedback for automations as well. So for example I have some code to change my thermostat at a certain time. I’d like it to also state “changing temp to xyz” as part of the action. Thanks!

And if you wanted to customize what was said, you could either use the TTS component as an action or use IFTTT which allows you to customize the response to any one of the applet commands.

You have to set up an automation.
Here is an example that I use:

That’s the code I was looking for. I’ll give it a try. Thanks again!

Sorry I’m new to this coding and didn’t realize TTS was the name of the service. Now I see tons of examples here. Again, sorry for not seeing this sooner.