I’ll get straight to the point, I am trying to configure my 2 Heatpumps which act as heaters and AC units, it is now Winter time, and those 2 heat pumps have a functional limit of -15C before they start to really stress the compressors. For obvious reasons I use the 2 heat pumps constantly rather than the electric heaters to save some cash on the electrical bill.
I am trying to find a way to create an automation that will detect the outside weather and according to that will send a command to turn off the heat pumps.
I was able to successfully create this automation but my main issue is with the weather detection. Regardless of which weater service I integrate, they all seem to never update accordingly. Temperature here in quebec, changes drastically fast so it can go from -5 to -25C in 30 minutes.
Has anyone every experienced this or have a workaround. I am also thinking of getting a smart thermometer that ic an put outside, but not sure if I will have the same issue in terms of how frequently it can update the temperature.
Thanks for the information, I will try that HUE Motion sensors as long as it has a temp sensor that is accurate and provide real-time information to HA.
Can you please provide me the model the HUE just to be 100% sure. ?
The HUE sensor is accurate, but you may have to calibrate it initialy.
Place it next to a known and good thermometer - let it sit for 30 min - if there is a difference, adjust it through templating. After that, I’ve never seen a deviation of more than 0.2 degrees C.
As for realtime: They seem to update every 5 min - sometimes quicker if the temp change is big enough.
Weather integrations polling interval is usually around 15 minutes. You really shouldn’t be relying on a cloud integration for a critical task like this anyway. If you lose the internet or the server goes down you are screwed.
You don’t say what ecosystems you are using (zwave, zigbee, matter etc.).
Here is an example of zwave temperature sensor you can use outside.
If you want to go all out you can get a complete weather station.