I have the following problem:
I run a YOLO application on a separate raspberry and want to send an image and a message to my homeassistant instance once a certain object has been detected.
By using mosquitto_pub statements I can send messages from the YOLO-raspberry to my HA instance, the message appears correctly in the MQTT-Configure_MQTT-Settings “Listen to a Topic” box. Vice-versa, I can subscribe to a certain topic on the YOLO-raspberry by using the mosquitto_sub command and receive messages from the HA-instance by using the “Publish to a topic” service in the MQTT-Settings.
So far so good.
Now I want to register my custom topics as MQTT-Devices in HA.
I tried to configure the custom topics as described in the HA-MQTT documentation in the configuration.yaml file, but they do not show up in the MQTT Devicd Integration entries list.
What do I need to do?