How to setup an IDE to test new espHome components

I did some das ago a feature request to include a “Hello World” example in ESPHome. [Documentation] add a simple Hello World example Component · Issue #2997 · esphome/feature-requests · GitHub

I find hard to start developing ESPHome components due some missing core concepts.

I think I have found a way to keep a repo with just custom components, but I need to do more testing.

I don’t receive notifications or emails when a post or comment is edited or updated, so I’m giving a gentle bump here to point out that I added some potentially helpful information to my above comment.

In a nutshell (TL;DR), I’ve made significant progress on my external component in two areas: 1. I’ve added unit tests that run on the esp32 device and in the native environment (linux). 2. I’ve refactored the project to include a self-contained development environment that leverages docker, the esphome/esphome image, and platformio. I’m hoping this can be a demonstration of one possible way to develop external components.