How to start on raspbian after reboot?

Hey everyone, new the comunity.

I have spent hours searching for the asnwer to this, sadly I am new to linuix based systems and new to home assistant at the same time so I think my issue is I don’t really know what to search for.

Anyway I followed the instructions here to install and get it up and running for the first time. I then rebooted my pi and I am unable to get it running again. Have tried just about every variation of sudo su - homeassistant and "hass’ I found, probably broke the installtion in the process, but such is life.

If I have not broken it how would I restart it?

Sorry for what I feel is likely a very stupid question but I am totally stuck.

If you followed those directions, you aren’t running HassIO. You are running Home Assistant in a python VENV

From the installation instructions:

sudo -u homeassistant -H -s
source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate

I would like you to read the page again, though.

If you want to setup hass as a daemon and autostart it on boot please refer to Autostart Home Assistant.

Follow the link and set up autostart.

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Thanks! That makes sense!

Just to be clear I don’t want to autostart yet, this is the beginning of a wee journy for me… it works with my lights and stuff which is alright but other than that I have nothing to control. Making my own boiler controller with arduino which I hope I can then link to this. WIll wait till the summer before I try to install it however, last thing I want right now is no heat.