How to style border:none on fold-entity-row/hui-element and not get error TypeError: null

using a set of fold-entity-rows with embedded markdown cards, I like to set the border to none, and shift the content to the normal margin of the regular entities card. With fold-entity-row we can do the latter using padding: 0, but I can’t get rid of the error in inspector, when I set:

# /include_alias_activities.yaml
type: custom:hui-element
card_type: markdown
style: |
  ha-card {
    box-shadow: none;

content: |

the containing card of the markdown is:

type: entities

  - type: custom:hui-element
    card_type: entities

      - type: custom:fold-entity-row
          type: section
          label: Activities
        padding: 0
          - !include /config/lovelace/includes/include_alias_activities.yaml
          - !include etc etc
          - !include etc

the view is alright, and the markdown are placed perfectly. Is just that I keep seeing this:

Anyone managed to do so?
Should I style the fold-entity-row, and if yes, how? Ive tried the same style, but it isn’t a ha-card so the wont work.

Using custom:hui-markdown-card instead of the new custom:hui-element, card_type: markdown doesn’t error, but often causes the markdown not to load because if non-existing…
what to do?

might I ask @thomasloven : why does the config with the new custom:hui-element throw an error, while custom:hui-markdown-card doesn’t?

Fixed in latest version of hui-element on github.


great, super quick!
can confirm this replacement now works, and doesnt show an error in the log:

#type: custom:hui-markdown-card
#style: |
#  ha-card {
#    background: 'var(--paper-card-background-color)';
#    box-shadow: none;
#    }
type: custom:hui-element
card_type: markdown
style: |
  ha-card {
    background: 'var(--paper-card-background-color)';
    box-shadow: none;
