How to tell what is new?

I just updated my docker home assistant for synology. It says it is 2022.5.4. How do I tell what is new in that release?

It’s in the release notes:

Ok, I think I saw that link, but thought it was just for one feature. I’ll take a look.

… time passes …

That looks like it is for 2022.5, not 2022.5.4. I was just wondering what was new in the .4 release.

Just scroll down a bit and the .x releases are beneath the main release infos.

Or this time, use this link: Release 2022.5.4 - May 12

And have a look at this chrome extension maybe:

I almost never use Chrome, though maybe nowadays, that extension would work with Edge (Microsoft give me money for using Bing with Edge). But I tend to stay away from extensions. Thanks anyway, at least now I spotted the link for the 2022.5.4. Thanks for that.

My link actually takes you directly to the 2022.5.4 notes, despite what the preview says.

Yes, it does. Thanks.