For the last couple nights my hue light strips are turning on via a script at precisely 10:13pm. This is not supposed to happen! The script is a wake up script and it’s triggered every morning at 7:00.
I have no idea why this is occurring nor how to track it down. Any ideas?
Seems like there is an automation running somewhere. Are you using anything like IFTTT, stringify, Node Red, or anything that runs on a schedule that could be triggering the script.
If you can’t find the trigger, just rename the script to something else and see if it still runs.
Hmm nothing I can tell just yet. I’m going to put logs to debug mode and see what info I can see. I wish it would say “Script called from Automation xxxx”
You can see this in the logbook. you will see an entry like “automation XY triggered” AND the thingls like “bulp1 turned on” … and so on. so you can see, what HA did before.
This is an automation “Fenster auf” who is triggerd by an open window - I missed to screenshot the changed state of this sensor, there is actually one more line). Then a script is called to save_temperatures (and set climate to low during the time). And you see the the changed state of two input booleans. So this is how it should look like if HA is the reason of your switching light. the trigger and the switched state.
Is there nothing or only the changed stated, the trigger could come from any mobile app which has installed a scene or so on you hue-hub. Then, HA shows you the states but not where it comes from. But maybe, HA can help you, it is possible to see this scenes and groups from the Hue hub:
If you check you this, you can find a hint here, it’s “is_hue_group: true” entry of your entity from Hue.
I’m using the log only from new stuff to get them work. after that, logbook is more important for me to track HA’s normal jobs. Hope it helps