How to translate selectors from options_flow?

I have an “” file to manage changes in the setup of a custom integrations.

The code for the “” looks as follows:

class MeteocatOptionsFlowHandler(OptionsFlow):
    """Manejo del flujo de opciones para Meteocat."""

    def __init__(self, config_entry: ConfigEntry):
        """Inicializa el flujo de opciones."""
        self._config_entry = config_entry
        self.api_key: str | None = None
        self.limit_xema: int | None = None
        self.limit_prediccio: int | None = None

    async def async_step_init(self, user_input: dict | None = None):
        """Paso inicial del flujo de opciones."""
        if user_input is not None:
            if user_input["option"] == "update_api_and_limits":
                return await self.async_step_update_api_and_limits()
            elif user_input["option"] == "update_limits_only":
                return await self.async_step_update_limits_only()
        return self.async_show_form(
                vol.Required("option"): vol.In({
                    "update_api_and_limits": "Update API Key and limits.",
                    "update_limits_only": "Update API limits."

I am trying to setup the strings.json to translate “update_api_and_limits” adn “update_limits_only” from:

                    "update_api_and_limits": "Update API Key and limits.",
                    "update_limits_only": "Update API limits."

In order to achive the translation to other languages, es.json, ca.json, … I tried to change the code following the Developer Docs (Developers Docs - Selectors):

from homeassistant.helpers.selector import SelectSelector, SelectSelectorConfig

return self.async_show_form(
        vol.Required("option"): SelectSelector(

And the strings.json, en.json, es.json, looks as follows:

  "options": {
      "init": {
        "description": "Setup the API Key and the limits for XEMA and PREDICTIONS.",
        "title": "Setup options.",
        "data": {
          "option": "Options"
      "update_api_and_limits": {
        "description": "Setup the API Key and the limits for XEMA and PREDICTIONS.",
        "title": "API Key and limits."
      "update_limits_only": {
        "description": "Setup the limits for XEMA and PREDICTIONS.",
        "title": "API limits."
    "selector": {
      "options": {
        "update_api_and_limits": "Update API Key and limits.",
        "update_limits_only": "Update API limits."
    "error": {
      "cannot_connect": "Cannot connect. Error when checking the new API Key.",
      "unknown": "Unknown error when checking the new API Key.",
      "invalid_limit": "Invalid limit. The limit must be a positive number."

But this solution is not working. Any idea?

I believe you want to set translation_key to some specific string, e.g. “option” to match your field.

        vol.Required("option"): SelectSelector(

And then in the strings.json:

  "selector": {
    "option": {
      "options": {
        "update_api_and_limits": "Update API Key and limits.",
        "update_limits_only": "Update API limits."
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Thank you @karwosts. It worked.

I also tried this:

vol.Required("option"): SelectSelector(

But the key was in the strings.json structure.