I have a Wiz SHRGBC spotlight that I’d like to set the brightness for when it is turned on. However, when I call light.turn_on and give brightness_pct: 50, the light does turn on, but comes on at the last brightness level that was set. I’ve tested a couple of times using the Developer>Services page. I set the light to 26%, turn it off, then use the developer page to call light.turn_on with brightness_pct: 1, and the light comes back on at 26%.
I just (yesterday) updated to 2024.2.1. The automation I have for this was working before the upgrade. But, right after the upgrade I started making some modifications to the automation to set different brightness levels at different times. That’s when I noticed the odd behaviour.
Thinking I screwed up the automation, I started testing with the developer page, and was when I noticed the brightness not matching what the service called for.
Any thoughts of what to try next?