I need to get the Honeywell Lyric integration (which pulls info from the cloud) or at least the entities that are a part of this integration to update on a quicker basis.
I’ve tried scan_interval although I didn’t have any luck getting it working.
I tried:
Overly aggressive polling of a cloud service can result in you being banned from accessing it, or worse, can result in everybody using HA being banned from using it.
Thanks. It seems that the Honeywell Lyric integration itself needs tweaks instead then to avoid the need for constant entity updates. When I have time I’ll have to leave it as an issue on GitHub and hope the integration is improved.
I had tried the homeassistant.update_entity however I had noticed that it would poll at a minimum of one minute, regardless of how often I triggered an automation.
The only real solution that kind of thing is to stop using cloud based services. If that was a Zigbee thermostat, say, then you’d have real time updates from it.
I would like to avoid cloud-based where possible but this thermostat is a drop-in replacement for my old one. It does have HomeKit capabilities which are far more ideal, but the Thermostat’s preset modes for holding temperature aren’t available, which is something I can only get via the integration.
I’ve got it in a good place right now where updates aren’t too necessary as it still continuously uploads my changes. Hopefully, it just doesn’t fail on me without any alert.