How to use a input_number for target temp of Generic Thermostat? [SOLVED]

Hi, I hope somebody can help me: I want to change the target temp on a Generic thermostat using an automation. I have an input number called input_number.heating_temperature and into my automation I have set:


  • data:
    entity_id: climate.TermoPrimoPiano
    hvac_mode: heat
    temperature: “{{ states(‘input_number.heating_temperature’) | int }}”
    service: climate.set_temperature

But this doesn’t do anything in my thermostat. If I change

 temperature:  "{{ states('input_number.heating_temperature') | int }}"


  temperature:  input_number.heating_temperature

Also doesn’t work.

It work only if I set a numeric value.

  temperature:  19

I’m quite sure it’s a syntax error, but I can’t found where I wrong…

May you help me?

Here are some examples:

    - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
        entity_id: climate.courcelles
        hvac_mode: 'heat'
    - service: climate.set_preset_mode
        entity_id: climate.courcelles
        preset_mode: 'home'
    - service: climate.set_temperature
        entity_id: climate.chambre_t
        temperature: '{{ states.input_select.t_chambre_thomas.state }}'

if you are using a template (like my third example), you must use “data_template:”

Search on google “templating home assistant” for more examples


Thank you very much, with data_template it works!

I’m sorry to disturb again but templating syntax is difficult for me.
I’ve to set an input number at different values depending on hours. So I have that:

input_number.pt_6_22 = 2
input_number.pt_6_23 = 1

where 6 is the day of week and 22 (or 23) the hour of day.

If, in my automation, I set value of using this template:

{{ states.input_number.pt_6_22.state | int }}

it takes the correct value but if I want to nest into this template hour and day variables I can’t find which is the correct teplate. I want somenthing like this:

{{ states.input_number.pt_{{ now().weekday() }}_{{ now().hour }}.state | int }}

But it doesn’t work.

May you tell me which is the right syntax?


Let’s try this:

{{ states('input_number.pt_{{ now().weekday() }}_{{ now().hour }}') | int }}

Let me know if it is working…

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It’s perfect! Thanks a lot!

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I’m really sorry, I try but I can’t resolve my bugs…
Another template:

{{ states(‘input_number.temp_{{ states.input_number.temp_p1.state | int }}’) }}

Should return the current value of input_number.temp_1 because

{{ states(‘input_number.temp_p1’) | int }}

returns 1, but it returns value “unknown” even if

{{ states(‘input_number.temp_1’) }}

Returns the correct value. of 20.0

What’s the difference in calling variables instead of functions?

That’s the last step to finish my programmable thermostat code that I want to share with the community…

Thanks a lot!

I tried as well and I have the same behaviour (answer is “unknown”)
I do not see any solution sofar… You probably have to split this line by using “if… else… endif” to work around this double template cascade…

I’ve found the solution and, founding it, I found that your previous solution doesn’t really works.

The right format, that works, is:

“{{ states(‘input_number.temp_%s’ | format(states.input_number.temp_pt.state | int)) }}”


“{{ states(‘input_number.temp_pt_%s’ | format(now().weekday() ~’_’~now().hour)) | int }}”

that ha formatted to:

  temperature: '{{ states(''input_number.temp_%s'' | format(states.input_number.temp_pt.state
    | int)) }}'


  • data_template:
    value: ‘{{ states(’‘input_number.temp_pt_%s’’ | format(now().weekday() ~’’_’’
    ~now().hour)) | int }}’

Also I had to put this code directly in yaml file because the grafical interface didn’t saved it.

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HI Guys

Apologies still cant seem to get this working. Very new to HA:

  • platform: generic_thermostat
    name: geyser
    heater: switch.sonoff_1000cf70ff
    target_sensor: sensor.sonoff_1000cf70ff_temperature
    min_temp: 15
    max_temp: 70
    ac_mode: false
    #target_temp: 23.7
    cold_tolerance: 0.2
    hot_tolerance: 0.2
    min_cycle_duration: 00:01:00
    initial_hvac_mode: “off”
    away_temp: 16
    precision: 0.1


  • id: ‘1588424152630’
    alias: Geyser Week On - Slot1
    description: ‘’
    • platform: time
      at: input_datetime.geyser_time_on_1
    • condition: time
      • sat
    • data: {}
      entity_id: climate.geyser
      service: climate.turn_on
    • service: climate.set_target_temperature
      temperature: ‘{{ states(’‘input_number.temp_%s’’
      format(states.input_number.geyser_temp1_week.state| int)) }}’
      mode: single
      input number = input_number.geyser_temp1_week

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My current working configuration is:

  • id: ‘1577728788647’
    alias: Cron Temperatura PT
    description: ‘’
  • minutes: ‘*’
    platform: time_pattern
  • data_template:
    hvac_mode: heat
    temperature: ‘{% if is_state((’‘input_boolean.temp_pt_%s’’ | format(now().weekday()
    ~‘’_‘’~now().hour)), ‘‘on’’) %}{{ states.input_number.temp_1.state }}{%- else
    %}{{ states.input_number.temp_2.state }}{%- endif %}’
    entity_id: climate.termostato_pt
    service: climate.set_temperature

I have one input_boolean for every hour of every day (input_boolean_temp_pt_0_0 for sunday at 00:00, input_boolean_temp_pt_0_1 for sunday at 01:00, input_boolean_temp_pt_1_0 for monday at 00:00, and so on) to decide if use target temp 1 or target temp 2, but I think you can safely remove the “if” leaving only something like this:

  • id: ‘1577728788647’
    alias: Cron Temperatura PT
    description: ‘’
  • minutes: ‘*’
    platform: time_pattern
  • data_template:
    hvac_mode: heat
    temperature: ‘{{ states.input_number.temp_1.state }}’
    entity_id: climate.termostato_pt
    service: climate.set_temperature

Hope this can be useful!

Really struggling, still cant get mine to work:

  • platform: generic_thermostat
    name: geyser
    heater: switch.sonoff_1000cf70ff
    target_sensor: sensor.sonoff_1000cf70ff_temperature
    min_temp: 15
    max_temp: 70
    ac_mode: false
    cold_tolerance: 0.2
    hot_tolerance: 0.2
    min_cycle_duration: 00:01:00
    initial_hvac_mode: “off”
    precision: 0.1
    away_temp: 15


  • id: ‘1604233723655’
    alias: Geyser Week On - Slot1
    description: ‘’
    • platform: time
      at: input_datetime.geyser_time_on_1
    • condition: time
      • sun
    • data_template:
      entity_id: climate.geyser
      hvac_mode: heat
      service: climate.set_target_temp
      target_temp: ‘{{ states.input_number.geyser_temp1_week.state }}’
      mode: single

I get the following error:
Invalid config for [automation]: must contain at least one of service, service_template. @ data[‘action’][0]. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 10).

Are you editing the yaml file or into web interface? Maybe an indetation problem, your “action:”, “condition:” and “weekday:” lines seem to have too many spaces before “action:”, it should have only one space before like “trigger:”.

I’m not able to quote here the code with visible indentation but also entity_id, hvac_mode, temperature and maybe mode need 2 spaces more then data_template and service one only more.

Maybe thi

Please see indentation below, what do you think?


-id: ‘1604258012451’
alias: Geyser Week t1Aan
description: ‘’

-platform: time
at: ‘22:22:00’



hvac_mode: heat
temperature: ‘{{ states.input_number.geyser_temp1_week.state }}’
entity_id: climate.geyser

service: climate.set_temperature

mode: single


See this