How to use a Nest Camera today?

I bought myself a Nest cam the day before the Big Announcement and set it up with a standard Nest account (so I’m on the legacy platform, not WWGA).

The camera works fine on its own but I’d like to integrate it with HA. The Nest component says to sign up to a developer account, but the developer console gives me a 403 forbidden error.

I understand we’re in a bit of limbo at the moment, but is it possible to set up a Nest camera in HA right now? What’s the trick? Will it work if I switch to a Google account?

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I am in the same position, I have 2 Nest Cams, a thermostat and soon multiple protects. Without being able to setup a developer account there are very limited options. I’m currently trying My Next Manager but that’s specifically for Smartthings and despite it being a “Works WIth Nest” I believe you still have to share your camera feeds to a public stream for them to work. And if I understand correctly there are ways to include public streams in HA anyway. As for getting the info into HA, I setup Smartthings integration with HA and there are some entities exposed now in HA. But the thermostat entity reading, which is a key one, doesn’t seem to be working right now. It does seem to expose setting the thermostats temperature but I haven’t actually tried changing it yet. Also, My Next Manager is a paid for Smartthings component via a third party ($30 for Cam/Thermostat/Protect). I will update this once I’ve had more chance to play around with it. I should also say that one of the reasons I went for this now is because after August 31st even using this app to register with Nest will become unavailable which is why I took the plunge now - once the connections exist they will still work but after 31st August Nest/Google won’t accept new connections so best to get in now.

This is what I currently see as entities in HA (note I haven’t added the Protects yet):

MyCam Backyard presence - binary_sensor.mycam_backyard_presence
MyCam Front Door presence - binary_sensor.mycam_front_door_presence
MyTstat Hallway presence - binary_sensor.mytstat_hallway_presence

Thermostat Climate (unavailable) - climate.mytstat_hallway

MyTstat Hallway Thermostat Setpoint - sensor.mytstat_hallway_thermostat_setpoint

MyCam Backyard - switch.mycam_backyard
MyCam Front Door - switch.mycam_front_door

Right, wow that’s dire alright. Thanks for sharing.

I was wondering if anyone has attempted custom firmware for these devices (specifically the camera) and stumbled across foggycam, which looks like it can pull a video feed from the cameras. Has anyone here tried to integrate it with HA? Or run it on an RPi?

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