How to use a specific compiler version

Good morning everybody.
The situation: I have a NSPanel (esp32) esphomeflashed directly connected with a Nuki Smart Lock with the great NukiLock component.
Working rock solid from some month now. and without any additional bridge in the middle.

With the latest update to 2022.12 and the changes to the ESP32 platform I’m not able to compile anymore, probably something related to the Nuki component itself.
Got a lot of scaring red lines during the compiling process…

Now the question.
Is it possible to force esphome to use the previous platform (the one used in 22022.11) so that I can update my NSPanel if needed?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Could possibly be this issue - there is supposedly a fix coming:

I don’t think is related to this, rather to the Nuki custom component…this is way I would prefer to instruct esphome to use the platforms used in the 2022.11 release…I don’t think I will ever need some more particular features in this device, but is just in case.

Any help is appreciated.