How to use Alexa Alarm/Timer end as a trigger without IFTTT?

in light of recent changes to IFTTT I managed to re-make/re-imagine most of my applets with the help of HA and node-red in order to move away from the service. Last 2 applets that currently I have call HA webhook when a timer or alarm on my echo dot goes off, triggering a HA automation to blink my lights.

Is there any way to recreate this functionality while leaving IFTTT out of the equation? I had a look on the available node-red alexa nodes but none I tried or read the documentation for offered dealing with timers/alarms.

I’m aware I could stay on the free 3 applet tier, but I would prefer being able to ditch another cloud service.

Thanks for any advice!

The remote2 node red plug-in lets you monitor what was said, so you could start a concurrent timer or alarm based on what you say to start the alarm//timer, but I couldn’t see offhand how to monitor when an alarm sounds.

Ive been trying to this also just using HA, unfortuantely I seem to be able to get the lights to flash when the timer starts or is stopped but not when it reaches 0!