How to use HA to send alerts via SMS?

A quick search turned up Twilio. However only business can have a verified trial account. And after I added my API information in the config yaml file my credentials are now locked and my account was set to inactive. Yippee!

Is there another alternative, preferably one that is cost effective. Thanks!

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Many service providers have an email for machine number

I found this list. Did not verify
You can use any email provider to send and HA supports that

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T-mobile has one too, [email protected]. I’m trying to use it from my email account, but my messages get caught in their spam filter.

I tried Twilio too, and found that it only works for businesses as described in the OP.

There is Llamalab Automate (but it’s Android only, I think).

You can use the Llamalab integration to send notifications to a phone, and the Llamalab app on the phone to forward them as SMS or email. If the phone is on your wi-fi emails will be free; SMS messages will cost whatever your provider charges.

I have a SIM card in one of my wall tablets to handle it.

Thanks all, going to try my ATT email account (that I never use), or my Proton Bridge to just send via email.

I like Telegram. It also works bidirectionally - so that I can use telegram responses in automations.

You can also use push notifications to a mobile device that has the HA app installed and has been connected to HA.

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Thank you, I just setup a Telegram bot and intergrated it with the custom blueprint shared on these forums.

I now get alerts to my Telegram account, and can reply back to HA using my assist pipeline. Much easier and no email!


Can you elaborate on how to configure the Telegram and blueprint?



We use an aggregator here which is directly plugged into the Tier 1 telco backbone. This means that unlike other mainstream aggregators, all of your messages go directly over MNO networks and not via any dodgy “Grey Routes”

This is a little know fact in the murky world of Telecoms.

Although you do pay for messages, the costs are not significant. Have a look here:

You will need to do KYC, but ultimately this is for your protection.

Remember… you get what you pay for and if you don’t pay for a product… you are the product!

The HA telegram docs are well written and easy to follow. Start with those and get to the point where you send use the notify action to send

I don’t use the blueprint. So that’s not necessary.

I know you’re asking about SMS, but we’ve been using both callmebot and textmebot to send Whatsapps and our experience has been great so far