Howto configure zigbee network switch working offline

I have a ikea tradfri driver controlling x lights. I also have a ikea tradfri switch.

The ikea driver is connected to HA Zigbee2mqtt. I can operate the lights from HA. But I want to be able to also operate the tradfri driver(IKEA ICPSHC24-30EU-IL-1 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT) with a ikea switch (IKEA E1743 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT) when HA is powered off. If I pair the switch to the driver, the driver lose connection to the HA network.

Is this not possible to have the switch separate from the HA Zigbee network?

Bind the E1743 to the driver, then direct control and control through HA is possible.

Be sure to wake up your E1743 before any attempt to bind :slight_smile:

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