Howto: Send email with the value of a helper and a timer

I’m fairly certain this can be done but it’s a bit of a challenge for me to figure it out, and I was hoping someone would have some guidance for me on how to approach this.

I have two helpers: one is a numeric counter and the other is a countdown timer

When I trigger a specific automation, I’d like to send an email with the values of those helpers, and I believe it will require using a template, but that’s a bit advanced for me and I’m not really sure how to implement that sort of thing.

On top of that, since HA doesn’t have a “count up” timer I’d like the template to do the math and subtract 2 hours from whatever the timer is so I can get elapsed time (the timer starts at 2 hrs) to include in the email.

Anyway, thanks in advance for any tips here!
