HP PC loses connection to Network


I have installed Home Assistant OS using first method of this guide:

Generic x86-64 - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)

However, the system stays up for few hours and somehow it loses Newtork connection. Upon checking the system, I find that the power light is on and the fan is working. Hard restart resolves the issue.

I am wondering if anyone also had a similar experience and knows what to do?

Check your power savings settings, they may be in conflict with the HA needs. Like network card (wired or wireless), hard drive, etc
What is running your network manufacturers wise(gateway, switches, APs)? Is your connection wired or wireless?

The connection is wired and the every device on the network is up an running, I use UNFI ubiquiti gateway and switch.

I believe it doesn’t have to do with BIOS power saver as it happens at very random intervals. Sometimes it is fine for few days. Sometimes it goes offline within few hours of restart.

Please note I am not running this through a VM on windows. HA OS boots up directly.

Which Unifi Gateway and Switch model? Are you up to date on firmware for these? Version of FW? I’m currently in the EA channel, I have a UXG-Pro for my gateway, a USW-Pro-48, for Ap(s); 1 U6-Pro, 4 U6-Lites. I have my UNS controller on a LinuxMint box. Running HA Yellow for my home.