HS-FLS100+ unexpected sensor

I was trying to work out some bugs with a few automation’s and I noticed a new temperature sensor being reported for one of my HS-FL100+ motion sensors. These sensors are not supposed to have temperature, and I could even write it off as a glitch except for the fact the temperature seems to be very close to the reported temperature online(with in 2 degrees f) Has anyone else ever seen something like this before from this sensor or any other?

First highlighted line is the my driveway motion sensor, and the second two are my garage motion sensor.

Do you have any other nodes in your network that report temperature? Something like this has been reported, where nodes are getting mixed up with other nodes. https://github.com/OpenZWave/open-zwave/issues/1687

I have one aeotec multi sensor 6 and a ct101 thermostat but both of these are inside and report a correct temperature of 72 degrees. This thing is reporting a temperature of 27 degrees which is damn close to the correct outside temp.

Ever get to the bottom of this?

Nope, had to have been a glitch.