HTC Flip Clock with weather

That’s seems nice and more logic. Would be nice that the min/max can be changed with a custom value.

If you can custom a different entity_id then people can place something else.

I will add my climate.temp so I have left temp oudside and right temp inside.:slight_smile:

I’ll have a look at it tomorrow. I have an idea how to do that.

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i’ve added a custom entity_id to replace high / low temperature and added nl in regional support. download the latest version and update

yaml for this is:

 - type: 'custom:htc-weather-card'
   entity: weather.dark_sky
   sun: sun.sun
     entity_id: sensor.time_utc
     name: UTC Time
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Tried to clone the new files but still have the same layout and new options not work.
I only see the is updated.

get this:

forgot to push to master…pushed only the tag :smiley:

Screen Shot 2020-04-09 at 13.06.52

Great !!! On little thing I think then this card is done.
The text “buienrader” and “temp Inside” are different sizes. Even the values “18.9C” and “24.0”
If the text size are the same then its perfect !!!
Maybe the “temp Inside” and his value same text size…

svrOffset seems not working

svrOffset: -120 (for min 2 hours)

I’ll do a text size option on the. Next release

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It’s in seconds. So just put 3600 it will be 2 hours less. No ‘-‘ just 3600

thanks that was the trick. 3600 is 1 hour. 7200 is 2 :smiley:

Oh yeah… you said 2 hours. My bad

Just a quick comment to say that I love this integration, been an htc fan for a long time!
It took me a long time to get this working, eventually I discovered that I needed to add the time & date sensor to get it to work! Hopefully this might help others struggling in the future.

  - platform: time_date
      - 'time'
      - 'date'
      - 'date_time'
      - 'date_time_utc'
      - 'date_time_iso'
      - 'time_date'
      - 'time_utc'
      - 'beat'


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love the clock idea,had the HD2 for ages :slight_smile:
I copied the content of the generated zip file by means of sambashare to


  • url: /local/custom_ui/htc-weather/htc-flipclock-weather.js?v1.0.2
    type: module

to raw editor.
- entity: media_player.vsx923
type: media-control
- url: /local/custom_ui/htc-weather/htc-flipclock-weather.js?v1.0.2
type: module

A card is shown only that states the following
Unknown type encountered: module.

url: /local/custom_ui/htc-weather/htc-flipclock-weather.js?v1.0.2
type: module

where did I go wrong

error log shows Component error: resources - Integration ‘resources’ not found.

Well… seems like the type is wrong. Should be

See github for examples

Ok I am missing something here…
Downloaded the zip and put it here
I need to manually make both the custom_ui and htc-weather folders

“Resources” is now under Configuration > Lovelace Dashboards and I have added like this

Just trying to add a base card to start with using

type: ‘custom:htc-weather-card’
entity: weather.oshawa

It doesn’t show a card at all.

Checking Chromes developer tools console I see
“Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property ‘state’ of undefined
at Function.getOldTime (htc-flipclock-weather.js?v1.0.2:381)
at HTMLElement.renderCard (htc-flipclock-weather.js?v1.0.2:191)
at HTMLElement.render (htc-flipclock-weather.js?v1.0.2:187)
at HTMLElement.update (lit-element.ts:217)
at HTMLElement.performUpdate (updating-element.ts:704)
at HTMLElement._enqueueUpdate (updating-element.ts:653)”

I have the same procedure and the card does not show to me either.

Did you add this?

  - platform: time_date
      - 'time'
      - 'date'
      - 'date_time'
      - 'date_time_utc'
      - 'date_time_iso'
      - 'time_date'
      - 'time_utc'
      - 'beat'

It needs some time_date sensors to work

yes sure, i will check if it is correct

Nice, typical of HTC.

Try to add some CSS to the Card to resize it that it will fit to my Sidebar. Can someone point me to the right way for that?

10 out 10 bro

just one question

as darky_sky dying a slow death

could replace with weather.met_no

just one little problem