HTML5 Actions and DuckDNS


I’m searching and searching, but can’t find a solution.

Issue: I want to use HTML5 Notifaction Actions, but HA won’t register them
Solution: It seems that NGINX block the events, according to

My Setup:
I’m using the DuckDNS addon with Let’s encrypt certificates. I’m able to reach the HA with SSL.

I’ve installed the NGINX Plugin, deleted the http-info in configuration.yaml but with this setup, I was not able to reach HA on HTTPS.

I’m trying to figure out, where I have to place the information from

Can anybody help please?

May I ask why you don’t use the official app for push notitications?

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good point - thanks. This perfectly makes sense and seems to be the solution for me.
Listening to mobile_app_notification_action

The events already come in there.

I didn’t know there is a specific notification service, since all html5 notifications popped up smoothly in the app that’s why I search for the html5 action incoming event…

In Caddy I had to add

header_upstream Authorization {>Authorization}

There is a similar fix for NGINX.

My Browser notifications work for me.