I just started playing around with home assistant tonight and I’m already stumped by a configuration error with no symptoms of a real problem outside of this error message:
I removed everything under my configuration.yaml file for the http component except for api_password, ssl_certificate, and ssl_key, but the error message doesn’t go away. I checked the log file, but no errors.
I verified that the homeassistant account can read the certs in /etc/letsencrypt. Also, the encryption is working without issue. I can connect to home assistant remotely with a username and password. Why doesnt HA like my config?
Here is my sanitized config (sorry for formatting, 2 spaces before each line except for http:
Just so you know, you can preserve the formatting of posted code by highlighting it in edit mode and pressing the pre-formatted text button. See image below:
Is it right under your homeassistant: settings and flush left, lined up underneath it?
Because everything looks in order, I’m guessing that it may be a formatting issue; it might be worth it to simple delete the whole section and retype it from scratch, just to make sure a spare space or tab got in by mistake. It does happen a lot, even to experienced users. It’s certainly happened to me.
The only other thing I can think of is to edit your logger so that you get a debug level error reporting on just the http component. This might reveal more information.
Thanks so much for your reply. It’s below homeassistant: in my configuration.yaml file, but it’s not nested within or immediately below it.
Here is what the top part of my config looks like, although I sanitized my location, password, etc. Does this look correct to you?
# Name of the location where Home Assistant is running
name: Home
# Location required to calculate the time the sun rises and sets
latitude: 93.2939
longitude: -323.323
# Impacts weather/sunrise data (altitude above sea level in meters)
elevation: 23
# metric for Metric, imperial for Imperial
unit_system: imperial
# Pick yours from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
time_zone: America/Los_Angeles
# Show links to resources in log and frontend
# Enables the frontend
api_password: supersecretpassword
ssl_certificate: /etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain.duckdns.org/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain.duckdns.org/privkey.pem
ip_ban_enabled: True
login_attempts_threshold: 3
Is it possible that it’s just a bug and nothing is wrong? Everything is working from what I can see…
Hey not sure if you ever solved this. I just had a similar problem. When I added the below to my http config the front end wouldn’t load.
ip_ban_enabled: True
login_attempts_threshold: 3
When reading the HTTP components page I saw:
_“If you want to apply additional IP filtering, and automatically ban bruteforce attempts, set ip_ban_enabled to True and select number of attempts. After first ban file ip_bans.yaml will be created in the root configuration folder.”
I manually added the ip_bans.yaml file to my main directory and it now works. not sure if it was a fluke but thought I’d pass it along in the hope it helps.