HTTP-only CalDAV? Or can't add two endpoints?


this might be a stupid question, yet I kind of don’t see that specified in the docs nor the forum (not to mention that searching for “http” includes “https”).

Does the CalDAV support HTTP-only connections or you can’t have two endpoints?

I’ve integrated Nextcloud, yet as I see problems with repeating tasks/recurring vTODO I wanted to try Baïkal. Yet I cannot connect from the frontend to Baïkal.

(Not a very helpful message.)

Log entry:

2024-12-06 15:48:39.361 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.caldav.config_flow] Connection Error connecting to CalDAV server: HTTPConnectionPool(host='docker_vm_host.domain:8002', port=8002): Max retries exceeded with url: /dav.php (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fe597c298c0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 113] Host is unreachable'))

Yet, when I connect from the VM/HAOS’s shell (Terminal add-on) it can work:

➜  hassio wget http://docker_vm_host.domain:8002/dav.php
--2024-12-06 14:37:56--  http://docker_vm_host.domain:8002/dav.php
Resolving docker_vm_host.domain (docker_vm_host.domain)...
Connecting to docker_vm_host.domain (docker_vm_host.domain)||:8002... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized

With credentials I am able to download the output of dav.php.

The given host name resolves correctly to the NAT network IP.

The HTTP situation is temporary, as I intend to put TLS at some point, just wanted to test repeating

HAOS in libvirt, Baïkal in Docker.
I make VM’s run with a common NAT network for host access, for i.e. package proxy and a macvtap interface, if I need the VM visible on the network.
I’m ≥50% sure this should work for the above scenario.