Somebody knows if i have to be scared for this?
At the moment i’m using Duck DNS to remote control my home assistant.
Somebody knows if i have to be scared for this?
At the moment i’m using Duck DNS to remote control my home assistant.
Isn’t contabo like a VPS?
Yes that is an attempt to penetrate your system.
No you do not have to be worried. Home Assistant filtered it.
I see a few of these warnings every six months or so.
The only way to stop it happening completely would be to remove your port forwarding, remove DuckDNS and only connect via VPN. Or pay for nabu casa.
It’s too much of a hassle for me for such a low risk.
Just make sure you use a very strong password and you can enable multi-factor authentication for added security if you want.
Possible to add some secure layer using NGINX?
No, you would need a WAF (web application firewall).
Thanks for the quick response! Will check it later on today
Not that it will prevent it in anyway, but You could always set up an automation to send you a notification when this happens
There are some machines that are continuously crawling the internet trying to penetrate systems by using known vulnerabilities. These machines try millions of targets every day.
So as long as it is just a few, and from different IP’s there is nothing to worry about, this just happens randomly on every ip.
If you see massive amount of attempts from the same ip address it indicates someone is really targeting your system specifically….
Thanks for the info, my home assistant is running for 1 month now, and I already got 2 attempts breaching in. Will keep an eye out