Hue flash broken

In the latest version 2021.12, one of my automations that used “Flash” in Hue integration has been broken. I didn’t see this in breaking changes.

When my front door opens, the pendant in the living room should flash. How it just stays on and the action is replaced with “Unknown Action”. Does anyone know how to use the Flash function in the latest version?

Upgrade to version 2021.12.3.

In their new API, Signify (Philips Hue) eliminated various effects (flash, random, etc). As a result, the new Hue integration in 2021.12.0 no longer offered them. However the integration’s developer found a substitute for flash (long, not short) and included it in 2021.12.3.

Upgrade to 2021.12.3 and try again

EDIT: @123 beat me too it, lol

Ah thanks both. I’ll do that now and see if it does the trick for my use case.

I’m on 2021.12.3. But the flash does not work as it did before. It flashes 5 times event though my automation is set to flash only once.

Hue removed the flash from the API as far as I know so the new flash is actually based on what the bulbs do in discovery mode.

So I think this is all we are going to be able to get for now.

Because what you get now is a substitute for what used to exist in the past. Read my previous post, or rossk’s post, or the developer’s explanation (see link below), to know why.

I have to say, it’s a weird move moving to the new API when even Hue say it’s not ready.

They have deprecated the first version of their API and the second one is already present on anyone’s Hue Bridge who has updated it to a recent firmware version. Whatever parts that aren’t ready don’t affect the majority of its functionality.

It seems that after the flashing completes the bulb stays on even if it were off when the flash was called. This is not good, what would be best is to return to previous state.

Correct. It doesn’t work.

You could toggle the light and even amount of times.