HUE integration from a newbie

Hello guys,
nice to join this community. I’m an italian guy trying to understand and create a nice home automation server…
I’m a total newbie on Hassio but i’m trying to learn. I have Hassio Installed on RPI3 and I activate the Philips Hue integration. The system correctly discover my lights and show a card in the home page, but Now I don’t now where the configurations for those lights are stored…I thought to find something in Configuration.yaml but there is nothing referred to them, not even in groups.yaml, automations.yaml and scripts.yaml that are the only files included. I only found something referring to Hue in /config/.storage/core.entity_registry.
Can some of you expert help a dummy guys on understanding more out of this? THX

Define " I don’t now where the configurations for those lights are stored "?

The entities are stored in the entity registry as you have already found.

Sorry…I might even don’t know how to place request, but please indulgent. I have the card of Hue in the home page of Hassio, but it is there even without any line of command. I thought I have to tell Hassio to place a card there with the name and the lights I have. Is there any place where I can modify eg the order of the light or their names etc??? The same is for the Apple TV, Hassio has discovered it, and there is a card where I can turn on the Apple TV but I cannot turn off eg.
thanks to anybody that will help me…

The default view on the interface just shows all your devices.

If you want to change that you need to use groups