Hue lights offline


Since 5:25 this morning, all my Hue lights are shown as Unavailable, yet they still work in the Hue Apps on my phone and through Alexa (which are connected through the Hue Skill). Granted, when I launched the Hue app to see if they were seeing by the hub, I had a red ‘Disconnected’ message across the screen but it only lasted a few seconds before I got the green ‘Connected’ and was able to control the lights.

My Hue lights were auto-discovered in HA. I rebooted HA and my Hue hub to no avail. Anybody else seeing this? Something I can/must do to have the Hue lights become visible again in HA?


My bridge changed IP address. According to the doc, when this happens you have to reregister the bridge to HA. How do you do that? I can’t see an option for doing that when selecting the Hub in Integration? Do I have to delete it and rediscover it?

Well I forced the IP back to its original value and reserved that IP address in my router. Problem solved :slight_smile:

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I ran into the same issue.
Is there any file with integration settings?

It is a pitty to have to delete a integration, add it again and restart all of the customization and rooms assignment, every time the bridge IP appends to change.

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